Lifestyle News – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:11:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Carstache Car Mustache: If Everyone Jumped Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:11:18 +0000 Apparently most cars on the road are naked. At least, Carstache thinks so.

What is Carstache, you ask? It’s a mustache for your car. Yes, if you’ve looked at Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds or any other famous mustachioed man and thought “why isn’t there a car accessory that will give me the same kind of ’70sn mustachioed cool?” look no further. This week, Daily Candy tweeted a link to the Carstache Web site, which describes the company as “the undisputed global leader in automotive facial hair, delivering the industry’s most luxurious in car mustaches.” The site also says the Carstache is a vehicle accessory that is meant to be silly and fun for “events and special occasions” like tailgating, weddings, Halloween, bachelor parties, birthdays, Father’s Day and Bar Mitzvahs.

Carstache, which is located in San Francisco, has had car mustaches on the market since April 2010. We just can’t imagine why more people haven’t hopped on this bandwagon yet…

We do appreciate Carstache’s attitude, since the product is meant to make people laugh, and if you don’t have any hipsters in your area (or don’t actually want to hang out with the hipsters in your area) it’s not the worst way to celebrate the mustache trend. Unless you work in the adult industry or for American Apparel (close enough) we wouldn’t recommend driving to the office with a furry accessory on your bumper though.

You can “Get ‘Stached” for about $40 at or at any of Carstache’s retail partners including Spencer’s Gifts, Urban Outfitters and Hot Topic. The Carstache is weather tested, comes with rubber attaching wires and is available in a variety of colors, the names for which are really clever (Wisdom Grey, Firestache Orange). Another benefit: if you’re in an area where car theft is a problem, silly as this mustache looks it might be a good way to get would be auto thieves to sniff out another target.

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A Doll That Gives Birth: If Everyone Jumped Tue, 21 Dec 2010 11:34:29 +0000

Kind of cute

Christmas is fast approaching, and if you’ve still got some last-minute shopping to do, you can find gift guides galore online and in magazines and newspapers to help you come up with some great present ideas. The following product, though, is one we’d suggest skipping as a holiday gift this year. And every other year after this one, for that matter.

Glamour reported via The New York Times last week on a new handmade doll called MamAmour that is pregnant and can give birth – vaginally.

Kind of creepy

We’ve heard of baby dolls that cry, pee and drink from a bottle, but a mom doll that gives birth to a baby doll? That’s certainly a new one. While we’re all for young people understanding child birth and discussing it openly as a natural part of life, these discussions should probably be reserved for those that are not young enough to play with dolls.

MamAmour gives birth through an elastic vaginal opening and comes with a woven umbilical cord and a placenta. The baby doll’s mouth has a snap that corresponds to one on the mom doll’s nipple, so that the new-born can breast-feed.  Just when you thought it couldn’t get ant weirder, right?

The dolls can be custom-made with any skin, hair and eye color, which, along with being handmade, is actually a nice feature.

Here’s what sticks the nail in the coffin for us, though: each MamAmour doll costs $130, with custom dolls starting at $145. Toys “R” Us sells baby dolls for $14.99, and those won’t provoke awkward questions from a child that’s too young to need to know all of the scientific details about birth. Apparently there is a significant shopping audience who disagrees, however: all of the pre-made $130 dolls are sold out through January 2011.

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Wine by the Glass To Go: Completely Crazy, Or Completely Genius? Fri, 18 Jun 2010 12:37:33 +0000 Nothing beats winding down with a glass of wine after a hard day at the office.

Entrepreneur James Nash has come up with an inventive idea to help make reaching for that glass of vino more convenient.

Nash came up with a line of single-serving cups of wine when he identified the trouble people face when they want to enjoy a glass of wine but have to buy a bottle, and have a wine key readily available to do so. His M&S Le Froglet line of wine in plastic cups for British supermarket Marks & Spencer with peel-off lids was the perfect solution to this problem.

It was slow going for Nash when he first introduced his product, as most people were pessimistic shoppers would be open to the idea.

It seems the tide has turned for the inventor, as stores are seeing excitement, anticipation and curiosity for his featured French Shiraz, Rose and Chardonnay. Wineries who have picked up Nash’s product commented on its potential success saying, “Judging by the buzz in the shop I suspect that these may well be a hit, they look so off the wall that curiosity will force a purchase and then good old bourgeois convenience will take over. This is a new idea, and what it does have is the ability to do is to give the consumer a realistic portion and a more manageable drinking quantity which saves you spoiling a whole bottle for a glass.”

Obviously this concept does “change the perception of wine, but could also make a ‘ready meal for one’ a richer experience.” {Daily Mail}

Having never seen anything quite like this, we think it may be a trend that spreads. In a world of convenience, wine lovers may be ditching the corkscrew and peeling back their plastic lids instead. But whether it can win over proud wine snobs, who consider breaking open a bottle of Bordeaux superior to pulling the tab back on a can of beer, remains to be seen.

Tell us what you think about single-serve wine by the cup: does it take some of the integrity out of a fine bottle of wine, or is it just a smart idea for consumer’s fast-paced, ‘results now’ society?

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May I Introduce My Double… Wed, 16 Dec 2009 23:18:29 +0000 36439-456-600Money sure can’t buy real friends, but the Japanese latest robotic revolution will allow those lonely bank accounts to purchase an exact likeness of any friend (or themselves) in the form of an android! It’s been less than a century since Fritz Lang flirted with the idea of a robotic clone in the movie Metropolis, but leave it to the Japanese to bring the vision to flesh, literally, and to the mass market.

Kokoro, a Osaki city based robotic research-development company, has had previous success launching realistic humanoids as attractive department store receptionists. Lest the image of C-3PO from Star Wars persist, the company will create the robot out of silicone with the same facial structure, body shape, hair and eyes of the original person. Even facial expressions, upper body movement and speech pattern will be modeled on those of the buyer.

While it might take awhile for this new race of robots to migrate stateside – after all their mobility are limited only to their upper bodies – Japanese chain department stores like Seibu, Sogo, Robinsons are making them available come new year. For 20.1million yens – just slightly under $250,000, the store are anticipating a necessary lottery draw to determine the lucky customers, as retailers are limited to sales of only two androids at the moment, a la Adam and Eve. We’re looking forward to at least halving our office hours in the near future.

Read the full story {Daily Mail}

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Lights, Camera… Tom Ford? Thu, 03 Dec 2009 01:27:11 +0000

Former Gucci/YSL creative director Tom Ford is known for bringing sexy back during the ’90s, but he’s well on his way to being recognized as a film director in his own right as well.

For his debut film A Single Man, which showcases the chops of acting giants Colin Firth and Julianne Moore, Ford receives great accolades from critics who perhaps weren’t expecting something so sensitive and beautifully poignant from the man who introduced cut-to-there velvet hip-huggers in the mid ’90s.  Publisher and Ford acquaintance Lisa Eisner states plainly that “when people think of Tom they think he has sex a million times a day” — an image which seems to contrast with that of serious filmmaker.

We’re pleased that Ford’s foray into cinema hasn’t turned into something gauche and lusty, and after learning more about A Single Man we certainly look forward to adding it to our [ever-growing] movie list.

Read the full story {NY Times}

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Cindy Tells It Like It Is Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:08:32 +0000

Last week, Hannah Pool from UK newspaper The Guardian sat down with [still super!] supermodel Cindy Crawford to discuss the current fashion industry, and one quotation struck us as particularly poignant, especially in light of recent backlash against Karl and his “fat mummies” and Kate and her taste for skinny:

We as the consumers, we as the women, have the power.  If you don’t like something, don’t buy it.  Don’t buy the magazine if you don’t like what it says.  If you don’t like the image a brand is putting out, don’t buy it.  What I really don’t agree with is people who complain about it but still support it. You’re giving your power away. If people don’t want skinny models, stop buying the magazine with the skinny model, and believe me those magazines will change fast. It’s business.

We agree, Cindy: it’s one thing to recognize problems within society and the media, but recognizing is not enough if we are not willing to change our habits and realize that we are the ones who are ultimately in control.

Read the full story {The Guardian}

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99 Problems, But Infidelity Ain’t One Sun, 22 Nov 2009 16:16:03 +0000 We may have come a long way in the battle for gender equality, but we still live in a time where it’s okay for men to exhibit their “prowess” in a bid to show who’s king of the jungle.

So it’s incredibly refreshing to hear that rap mogul and super-celeb Jay-Z is one of those few gentlemen in the spotlight who has nothing but respect for the leading lady in his life.

Jay-Z attended the Victoria’s Secret fashion show and after-party in New York City this past week and, whereas countless other men would kill their own mothers for a chance to rub shoulders with beautiful VS models, Jay-Z deliberately declined any contact with the women out of respect for his wife Beyoncé.

Style is more than just clothing and color palettes, and we’re glad to see that chivalry is still very much alive and well.

Read the full story {Showbiz Spy}

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Rory Tahari’s “Lists For Life” Wed, 11 Nov 2009 18:51:09 +0000 Rory Tahari, wife of Elie, has published a book for those of us who get deer-in-headlights syndrome when the holidays — and eighty million things to do and thirty-five more people on the gift list — roll around.

Her “Lists For Life: The Essential Guide for Getting Organized and Tackling Tough To-Do’s” is a mouthful to say but offers helpful hints on everything from planning no-fuss holiday dinners to making the move to your new pad a lot less stressful.

Tahari sees lists and organization as simple ways to make life easier, but — more importantly — sees this structure system also as a form of “empowerment.”  When life is neat and organized, she believes, it’s easier to feel confident about choices, no matter how big or small — which means less time doing last-minute stressing out and more time idyllically eating pie  with Grandma.

Read the full story {ABC News}

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