Violent Lips – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Thu, 05 May 2011 16:34:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Temporary Lip Tattoos: If Everyone Jumped Thu, 05 May 2011 16:29:31 +0000

Ill advised permanent tattoos have made a few appearances in this space, we’ve seen everyone from Beyonce to Betsey Johnson revive the temporary tattoos of the ’90s, and now there are temporary lip tattoos from a company called Violent Lips. {Racked}

We have yet to see a single example that makes a good case for permanent lip (or facial) tattoos, so fakes are the best possible place to start with this idea, but do we really need zebra stripe lips?

Some of the options look like fun, but we’re a little nervous that things could head into an Ed Hardy-esque direction where it’s only a matter of time before the patterns get louder, tackier and more bedazzled as D-list reality stars make them famous. Not to mention the possibility of a combination of press-on lip prints with press-on eyeshadow prints (available here, if you’re interested), press-on nail polish prints that results in the kind of beauty press-on explosion normally only seen in a Ke$ha video.

Assuming that doesn’t happen, we’ll admit that a few of the patterns do look tempting, and if you’ve every wanted to do any Rocky Horror Picture Show-style videos, the red glitter option would be pretty amazing for that. Or, if you’re a fan of really shiny lips, but don’t want to eat glitter all night. We’re more than a little tempted by the rose print, and the pink animal prints have Nicki Minaj’s name written all over them – okay, technically they have animal print written all over them, but you get the idea. At $14.95 for a 3-pack, the price isn’t too bad, so that helps also.

Given the fleeting nature of these tattoos – according to the Violent Lips website, they last 4-8 hours, and the growing number of press-on beauty products we’re sure at least a few people will jump on this trend.

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