Style Blog fuck Up – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Wed, 09 Mar 2011 16:36:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Style Blog That Takes Aim At Style Bloggers Wed, 09 Mar 2011 14:34:13 +0000 If you want attention for your new style blog, attacking an existing style blog in some way seems to be rule one in the Mean Girl’s Guide to Fashion handbook.

Yesterday we were taking a look at tweets when Style Blog Fuck Up popped up on our radar. First on Tumblr, the blogging service that’s put a good deal of effort into nurturing it’s fashion community, it’s since moved to

It seems that Tumblr has proactively closed the account, and there are some questions of copyright infringement facing the unnamed UK person behind the blog.

In the UK and the US, sometimes usage of a photo – even one marked all rights reserved – is allowed to be reproduced for discussion, criticism or news value. This doesn’t mean news agencies can grab any photo they want and say “news! We can do what we’d like here”, but an article which discusses a controversial image can include that image in the discussion.

For example, Ralph Lauren’s attempts to have images of it’s now infamous Photoshop disaster ad pulled on grounds of copyright infringement fell flat because much of the discussion was surrounding just how terrible the retouching in the photo was (it gave an already slim model alien-like proportions, skinnier than those of a concentration camp starvation victim).

While SBFU has the right to use the images in commentary, Tumblr also has a right not to host the content or the blog. It ultimately goes to the larger question of whether style bloggers can expect to become public figures of some sort, and maintain total control of their images. In the case of derivative illustrations of style bloggers being used on commercial products (sans blogger notification or permission), we noted that while the illustrations were probably legal, it really just rubs people the wrong way to see their image on a product they have nothing to do with. Inditex eventually pulled the shirts.

That said, here’s our take. The discussion of the style blogger outfits and some use of images is probably permitted, but SBFU is just mean for the sake of being mean, banal and totally lacking in terms of any comedic value.

On Tavi: “people are lining up to tounge fuck her arse. I guess being a try hard gets you somewhere.”

On Carrie from Wish Wish Wish: “This girl has probably the most popular style blogs in the UK. Only god knows why. Shes a quintessential upper middle class girl born with a silver spoon in her arse. Add this girl to the “made with paint” category, cross referenced with cunt.”

Then there was the “smile” at an American blogger who has since removed her blog on “Fashion for the Economically Challenged.”

Look, we enjoy a laugh at people who take fashion a bit too seriously as much as anyone. Man Repeller? Hilarious, we await the next roundup of things that look like vaginas. The Fug Girls? Brilliant. Regretsy? Love it. Michael K‘s continued descriptions of Karl Lagerfeld as a fashion zombie (we have to quote this)?

“Lily Allen, Florence Welch, Clemence Poesy,and Emma Roberts. They crawled through the tundra for miles to get a picture with the exquisite demon whose mop of bone dust threads holds the broken dreams of 12-year-old models in its tips.” {Dlisted}

Or his description of John Galliano as “the secret love child of Boris and Natasha Fatale” and Captain Hook? We wish he’d write about fashion more often, because it’s pure comedy.

“You’re a stuck up cunt with money” and “haha, you don’t have money and your attempt at style makes me smile, silly American”? More of a sophomoric personal attack from a small mind that doesn’t contain any of the wit, style or education that makes the aforementioned blogs worth reading. SBFU’s own f*ck up isn’t necessarily critiquing style bloggers (which is more likely to happen the more popular they become), but completely failing at finding a style of its own.

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