skin cancer – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Mon, 10 May 2010 08:13:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tanning Regulations Propsed, Jersey Shore Cast Threatens Violence Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:01:25 +0000 jersey-shore-mtv-castOkay, we made the last part up, but we don’t see recent regulatory proposals on tanning sitting well with everyone’s favorite artificially bronzed reality stars. If you take away tanning, there will only be the gym and laundry to pass the time. But we digress.

Recently, worldwide attention has turned towards the safety of indoor tanning beds. Two weeks ago, a bill to ban anyone under 18 from using a bed in a tanning salon was introduced in the UK. The bill won support across political party lines and even attracted celebrity campaigners. Less than a week later, the FDA was reported that public hearings would be held in March to debate stronger regulations of tanning beds in the US.

Now comes news of a bill called the Tanning Bed Cancer Control Act, which would allow for federal regulation of tanning beds if passed. The bill has to go through normal legislative channels, which means that even if passed if would probably not take effect for at least a year or more. But that hasn’t stopped the FTC from charging the Indoor Tanning Association with making false health and safety claims about the potential dangers of indoor tanning.

For their part, those who are against more regulation of tanning beds claim that the potential cancer risks from indoor tanning have been overstated by the cosmetic industry, who seeks to boost sunscreen sales.

Mmmkay. While we don’t doubt that there may be a level of tanning bed usage that doesn’t significantly heighten the risk of cancer (just like there’s a level of sun exposure that would likely not heighten the risk of cancer), we can’t see the harm in increasing awareness of the dangers of overdoing it.

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