Mani the parakeet – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Sun, 11 Jul 2010 22:12:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paul the Octopus Oracle and Psychic Animal Friends Nail the World Cup Outcome Sun, 11 Jul 2010 22:12:27 +0000

Most soccer fans and sports commentators have been predicting the outcome of World Cup matches based on past team performances, game style and all kinds of other technical matters. If you’re the type who likes to take a bet on events though, you would have done as well to follow the predictions of Paul the psychic octopus – truly the breakout star of this year’s World Cup.

In recent days, more animal oracles stepped forward with predictions. First there was Mani the Singaporean parakeet {Business Insider}, then Meena Kutti, Malaysia’s psychic parakeet stepped up with predictions as well. {Times of India}

The most accurate? Paul’s 7-in-a-row predictions continued as Spain won the World Cup just moments ago, and Meena Kutti chirped his support for that decision a few days ago. Mani, unfortunately, was off his game as he predicted a win for Holland.

The award for psychic animal with the most pull, however, has to go to Paul. Jokingly offered a security detail from the Spanish prime minister, his prediction was enough to push German fans to make threats to turn him into tasty calamari (fried octopus). But Paul made some Spanish friends in high places. Spanish midfielder Sergio Busquets said that the team wanted to rename him Pablo, and Spanish environmental minister Elena Espinosa has offered Paul asylum so that the Germans don’t eat him. {NBC Connecticut}

Spanish celebrity chef Jose Andres was so impressed that he’s taken octopus off the menu at all of his restaurants until further notice, undoubtedly winning fans among his non-psychic, eight legged brothers and sisters as well. {Washington Post}

Unfortunately, Paul probably won’t be around for the 2014 World Cup. The average life span of an octopus is 3 years or so, and Paul has already had his 2nd birthday.  If Meena Kutti can hang in there, in just 4 short years, the spotlight may be all his.

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