Elizabeth Taylor – Signature9 Lifestyle Intelligence Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:08:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.4 RIP: Elizabeth Taylor Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:14:24 +0000 CNN is reporting that style icon and Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor died today at the age of 79.

Taylor’s death follows a two month stay in a Los Angeles hospital for treatment of congestive heart failure. The reclusive star was no stranger to health challenges, having broken her back five times, both hips replaced, surviving a benign brain tumor operation, skin cancer, and two life-threatening bouts with pneumonia. She was often seen using a wheelchair, which she attributed to osteoporosis and scoliosis.

Taylor began her career as a child actress and transitioned into adult roles that would earn her two Best Actress Academy Awards and cement her place as one of Hollywood’s leading ladies.

Famous for her eight marriages to seven husbands, Taylor is survived by four children and ten grandchildren.

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